Tell us a little about yourself.
I am an attorney with Jackson Kelly and I am married to Sarah Huff. We have two children, Jay (12), and Sammie (7), along with two labrador retreivers, Molly (13) and Sadie (4 months).
What is your most memorable CrossFit experience?
My most memorable moment was completing the Open for the first time.
Why did you try CrossFit?
I've been a consistent runner for over twenty years and have done a variety of strength workouts, but generally either plateaued or got bored. CrossFit is never the same and is always a challenge, and that's what I was looking for.
What has been your biggest challenge or improvement?
My biggest challenge has been anything that includes overhead squats.
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout would have to be Cindy or the Murph.
What advice would you give to a new member?
Keep coming back. The soreness won't necessarily go away, it will just move to different spots. But, if you stick with it you will realize some amazing results.