Tell us a little about yourself.
No one is ever born already knowing how to lift…
I graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2017. After graduation, I immediately moved to West Virginia to start working at the Toyota Plant in Buffalo. I'm orginially from Richmond, VA. I enjoy travelling around the world, basketball, and ultimate frisbee.
What is your most memorable CrossFit experience?
The day I deadlifted more than 100 lbs from what I was able to do when I first started. It felt so good to know that I was getting stronger and improving myself.
Why did you try CrossFit?
All athletic activities that I participated in prior to CrossFit revolved around a lot of running so I never really cared much for lifting weights. CrossFit has been an effective way for me to learn how to lift with proper form, while also enjoying the cardio aspect of working out. Plus it makes your body look better. I chose Revved Up because of the coaches and people! They make each day's workout seem less like a workout.
What has been your biggest challenge or improvement?
The bar-over muscle ups. I’ve gotten really really really close to completing one, but haven’t quite made it there yet.
What is your favorite workout?
The pacer test! Who doesn’t love all that running. Also all of the holiday themed work outs.
What advice would you give to a new member?
No one is ever born already knowing how to lift and etc. (actually Ken might have, idk). Don’t be afraid to try because you haven’t lifted in the past. Everyone at Revved up is super friendly and judgment free.