
Tell us a little about yourself? 

My name is Rachel, but some of my friends call me Booty. I’m a married, 36 year old hospice nurse who loves music, traveling, good food, riding my motorcycle, extreme couponing, bad horror movies, new experiences, swimming, rollercoasters, & skating. I’ve been living in the Valley with my husband since 2010. My 3 fur babies are named Sookie, Evander, & Sunday. 

What is your most memorable CrossFit experience? 

Competing in the Thunder in the Valley a few months ago. It was my first CrossFit competition and my only goal was making it through it. Happy to report I met my goal. 

Why did you try CrossFit? 

In 2014, I took a hit while playing roller derby that tore my ACL in my left knee. I did my physical therapy at TPTC after my reconstruction. A person that I met in the therapy gym encouraged me to join the Fitness class. After doing that for a several years, one of the CrossFit coaches encouraged me to try CrossFit. I have been doing it since 2018. 

What has been your biggest challenge or improvement? 

Along with my reconstructed knee, I have asthma. Some days are better than others. Just getting through a workout is a challenge. Not sure of any improvements off the top of my head, but, I get stronger every day. 

What is your favorite workout? 

Anything that does not involve running! But seriously, probably an AMRAP is my favorite. I know when it will be over & everyone is finished at the same time. 

What advice would you give a new member? 

Come try it out! Everything can be modified. And no one cares if you do have to modify something. They are worried about making it through the workout themselves. I have to modify things frequently. It’s a super positive, friendly, encouraging environment with zero intimidation or body shaming. It can be nerve racking your first time, but, there is nothing to be scared of.