Debbie Tincher Member of the Month 11.19.jpg

Tell us a little about yourself? 

- I am married with two grown daughters and 1 grandson. I retired about a year ago and now fill my time doing the things I enjoy like exercising, bible study, reading, quilting, and cross stitch! I have a lot of hobbies! I do work one day a week at the Village Sampler needlework shop in St. Albans! 

What is your most memorable Bootcamp experience? 

- My most memorable Bootcamp experience is probably my first workout! By the time I had managed to do one burpee, everyone else was halfway through the next exercise! 

Why did you try Bootcamp? 

- I tried Bootcamp because Cindy Skiles invited me. She invited me twice before I actually came but I will be eternally grateful! 

What has been your biggest challenge or improvement? 

- My biggest improvement has been my endurance and improvement in my upper body strength. 

What is your favorite workout? 

- My favorite workout is probably when we lay the ladder out. It works on agility and coordination and I need both! There is also a lot of comaraderie and laughter. Truthfully, there is not really any workout I don't enjoy! 

What advice would you give a new member? 

- My advice to new member is hang in there! I have made so much improvement since joining that I can't imagine not working out with this bunch! Not to mention the many friends I've made!