
Tell us a little about yourself?

I’ve lived in the Teays Valley area for over 16 years.  It’s home for me and my husband and our 5 kids. When I’m not running this zoo or at CrossFit, I’m teaching natural health & essential oil classes.

What is your most memorable CrossFit experience?

I was so excited the first time I managed handstand push-ups. That’s something I never thought I’d be able to learn!

Why did you try CrossFit?

I was recovering from an accident 7 years ago that left me with balance problems & a lot of pain. I tried CrossFit 5.5 years ago to see if it might help, because nothing else had at that point. I still had those issues, but I developed strength, agility, stamina, and the ability for my body to compensate for my injury so I’m less likely to get injured. I had literally never touched a barbell before trying CrossFit at age 35! I was never athletic at all. I’m proof that anyone can scale a CrossFit workout, no matter their starting fitness level.

What has been your biggest challenge or improvement?

Those balance problems from the accident have meant that I’ve had to be careful with any movements that involve lifting weight overhead, so that I don’t fall (or if I do fall, I fall “well”).  However, a few weeks before I started CrossFit, I was still using a cane to walk for more than 20 minutes at a time. I’ve made a dramatic amount of progress by being proactive & consistent over time. Now, I’m able to participate in pretty much any CrossFit workout! I believe in the mantra “move it or lose it.”  One of my goals in doing CrossFit is to foster preventative health & avoid injury from inactivity as I age.

What is your favorite workout?

Anything including deadlifts. The feeling of victory the first time I deadlifted 205 lb. was amazing. I realize that’s not a record-breaking weight, but it was for me. That’s what CrossFit encourages – progress for YOU and not comparing yourself to anyone else.

What advice would you give a new member?

Keep showing up. Pace yourself so you don’t die. Don’t try to prove anything, just survive & high five yourself for making it through the workout. And come back! It doesn’t get easier necessarily, but you definitely get better.