Tell us a little about yourself and when you joined.
Don and Tonya began their CrossFit journey in 2014 at CrossFit Eject in Springfield, Illinois. In 2019, after moving to Hurricane, we found our way to Revved Up CrossFit. Don is a Project Manager for Fast Enterprises while Tonya coaches some of the morning classes at RUCF We have been married for nineteen years with two children, Bradley and Jordan.
What is your most memorable CrossFit/Bootcamp experience?
Any workout the Brownings can do as a family. We have competed in the Bradley WOD competition in Edwardsville, Illinois, CrossFit Open and Murph Challenge.
Why did you try CrossFit/Bootcamp?
Don had heard about CrossFit from several coworkers. After finishing a few fitness videos, we were ready for our next fitness challenge.
What has been your biggest challenge or improvement?
The busyness of life. With two kids in athletics and music lessons, we sometimes put our fitness on the back burner.
What is your favorite workout?
Anything with a heavy barbell.
What advice would you give a new member?
This is your workout. If something feels wrong, talk to your coach. There isn’t a movement that can’t be scaled or modified.